SNMP Informant Knowledge-base |
Article: 2014-001
Product: SNMP Informant - Exchange
Subject: SNMP Informant Exchange OIDs and performance Counter objects.
Keywords: Exchange OIDs, performance counters, cmdlets
Last Updated: Dec 3, 2014
This article is intended to help SNMP Informant users determine what Object IDs (OIDs) to use when trying to get mailbox statistics from their Exchange Servers.
For Performance counters to monitor for Exchange 2010, visit this link:
With the Exchange cmdlet provider ( and, you can get a ton of individual mailbox stats. These are individual mailbox stats so you might want not to do that . It's up to you. The ExchangeV2 Performance Provider will allow you to get aggregate queue data.
As with any SNMP Informant provider, we encourage time spent using an SNMP MIB browser against the provider running on your Exchange server. While impossible to give you explicit OIDs (they differ slightly on every system), we suggest you walk the following OIDS to get information store and mail queue information: Once you do that and get the return value you want (OID), then query that OID with a GET.
With the Exchange Performance agent, we suggest walking and reviewing data returned from:
The Information Store: (, where x is bolded in the list below:
| |
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISACLUpgradeCompletedUpgrades(1)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISACLUpgradeFailures(2)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISACLUpgrdHitACLUpgrdRtryList(3)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISACLUpgradePartialUpgrades(4)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISACLUpgradeTimesAttempted(5)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISActiveAnonymousUserCount(6)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISActiveConnectionCount(7)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISActiveUserCount(8)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISAdminRPCRequests(9)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISAdminRPCRequestsPeak(10)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISAnonymousUserCount(11)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISApptmtInstanceCreationRate(12)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISApptmtInstanceDeletionRate(13)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISAppointmentInstancesCreated(14)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISAppointmentInstancesDeleted(15)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISAsyncNotificationsCacheSize(16)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISAsyncNotificatGeneratPerSec(17)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISAsyncRPCRequests(18)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISAsyncRPCRequestsPeak(19)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISBackgroundExpanQueueLength(20)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISCIQPThreads(21)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientBackgroundRPCsFailed(22)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientBackgroundRPCsFailSec(23)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientBackgroundRPCsSucceed(24)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientBgRPCSucceedPerSec(25)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientForegroundRPCsFailed(26)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientFgRPCsFailedPerSec(27)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientFgRPCsSucceeded(28)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientFgRPCsSucceededPerSec(29)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientLatencyGT10SecRPCs(30)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientLatencyGT2SecRPCs(31)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientLatencyGT5SecRPCs(32)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCsFailed(33)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCsFailedPerSec(34)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCFailedAccessDenied(35)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCFailAccessDenySec(36)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCFailAllOtherErrors(37)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCFailOtherErrorSec(38)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCFailCallCancelled(39)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCFailCallCancelSec(40)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCsFailedCallFailed(41)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCFailCallFailedSec(42)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCFailServerTooBusy(43)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCFailServerToBsySec(44)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCFailServerUnavail(45)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCFailServUnavailSec(46)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCsAttempted(47)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCsAttemptedPerSec(48)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCsSucceeded(49)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientRPCsSucceededPerSec(50)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClientTotalReportedLatency(51)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISConnectionCount(52)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISDLMembershipCacheEntryCount(53)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISDLMembershipCacheHits(54)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISDLMembershipCacheMisses(55)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISDLMembershipCacheSize(56)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISExchmemCurrentByteAllocated(57)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISExchmemCurrNumbOfVirtAlloca(58)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISExchmemCurrVirtByteAllocate(59)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISExchmemMaximumByteAllocated(60)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISExchmemMaxVirtualBytAllocat(61)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISExchmemNumAdditionalHeaps(62)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISExchmemNumberOfHeaps(63)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISExchmemNumHeapsMemErrors(64)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISExchmemNumberOfMemoryErrors(65)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISExchmemTotalNumVirtAllocate(66)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISFBPublishCount(67)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISFBPublishRate(68)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMaximumAnonymousUsers(69)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMaximumConnections(70)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMaximumUsers(71)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISOABDifferentialDnldAttempts(72)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISOABDifferentialDnldBytes(73)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISOABDifferentialDnldBytesSec(74)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISOABFullDownloadAttempts(75)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISOABFullDnldAttemptsBlocked(76)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISOABFullDownloadBytes(77)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISOABFullDownloadBytesPerSec(78)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISPeakAsyncNotificaCacheSize(79)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISPeakPushNotificatCacheSize(80)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISPushNotificationsCacheSize(81)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISPushNotificatGeneratePerSec(82)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISPushNotificationsSkipPerSec(83)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCAveragedLatency(84)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCClientBackoffPerSec(85)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCClientsBytesRead(86)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCClientsBytesWritten(87)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCClientsUncomprsdByteRead(88)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCClientUncomprsdByteWrite(89)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCNumOfSlowPackets(90)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCOperationsPerSec(91)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCPacketsPerSec(92)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCRequests(93)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCRequestsPeak(94)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISReadBytesRPCClientsPerSec(95)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRecurringApptmtDeletionRate(96)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRecurApptmtModificationRate(97)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRecurringApptmtsCreated(98)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRecurringApptmtsDeleted(99)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRecurringApptmtsModified(100)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRecurringApptmtCreationRate(101)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRecurringMstrApptmtExpanded(102)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRecurringMasterExpansionRat(103)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISSingleApptmtCreationRate(104)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISSingleApptmtDeletionRate(105)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISSingleApptmtModificationRat(106)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISSingleAppointmentsCreated(107)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISSingleAppointmentsDeleted(108)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISSingleAppointmentsModified(109)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISSlowQPThreads(110)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISSlowSearchThreads(111)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISTotalParkedAsyncNotifiCalls(112)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISUserCount(113)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVMLargestBlockSize(114)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVMTotal16MBFreeBlocks(115)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVMTotalFreeBlocks(116)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVMTotalLargeFreeBlockBytes(117)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanBytesScanned(118)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanFilesCleaned(119)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanFilesCleanedPerSec(120)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanFilesQuarantined(121)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanFileQuarantinePSec(122)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanFilesScanned(123)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanFilesScannedPerSec(124)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanFoldersScannedInBg(125)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanMessagesCleaned(126)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanMsgsCleanedPerSec(127)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanMessagesDeleted(128)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanMsgsDeletedPerSec(129)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanMessagesProcessed(130)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanMsgProcessedPerSec(131)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanMsgsQuarantined(132)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanMsgQuarantinPerSec(133)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanMsgsScanBackground(134)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVirusScanQueueLength(135)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISWriteBytesRPCClientsPerSec(136)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISPercentConnections(137)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISPercentRPCThreads(138)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClntBkgdRPCsSucceededPerSec(139)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClntFrgdRPCsFailedPerSec(140)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClntFrgdRPCsSucceededPerSec(141)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClntRPCsFldADndPerSec(142)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClntRPCsFldAllOtrErrsPerSec(143)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClntRPCsFldClCncldPerSec(144)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClntRPCsFldCallFldPerSec(145)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClntRPCsFldSvrTooBusyPerSec(146)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISClntRPCsFldSvrUavailPerSec(147)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISDSAccessActiveCallCount(148)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISDSAccessAverageLatency(149)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISExchmemNumHpsWithMemErrs(150)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMessageCreatePerSec(151)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMessageDeletePerSec(152)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMessageModifyPerSec(153)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMessageMovePerSec(154)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMsgPrAscendingPerSec(155)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMsgPrDescendingPerSec(156)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMsgPrSkippedPerSec(157)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMinimsgCreatedForViewsPS(158)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMinimsgMsgTableSeeksPerSec(159)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMsgViewRecordsDeletedPerSec(160)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMsgVRcdsDeletesDeferredPS(161)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMsgVRcdsInsertedPerSec(162)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMsgVRcdsInsertsDeferredPS(163)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMsgViewTableCreatePerSec(164)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMsgViewTableDeletePerSec(165)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMsgVTblNullRefreshPerSec(166)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMsgVTblRfrshDVURcdsScanned(167)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMsgVTblRfrshUpdatesApplied(168)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISMsgViewTableRefreshPerSec(169)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCPlAsyncNotifsGnrtdPerSec(170)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCPoolContextHandles(171)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCPoolParkedAsyncNotifCls(172)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCPoolPools(173)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCPoolSessionNotifsPending(174)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCPoolSessions(175)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCRqstTODtdOnDatabase(176)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCRqstTODtdOnMailbox(177)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISRPCRqstTODtdOnServer(178)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVClnupCatIndexDeltnsPerSec(179)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVClnupDVUEntryDeltnsPerSec(180)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVClnupRstrctIdxDeltnsPerSec(181)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVClnupSearchIdxDeltnsPerSec(182)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVClnupSortIndexDeltnsPerSec(183)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISVClnupTasksNullifiedPerSec(184)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2ISViewCleanupTasksPerSec(185)
The Transport Queues Table (, where x is bolded in the list below
| |
| +--ex2TransportQueuesEntry(1) [ex2tqInstance]
| |
| +-- r-n InstanceName ex2tqInstance(1)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqActiveMailboxDelivQueLength(2)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqActiveNonSmtpDelivQueLength(3)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqActiveRemoteDelivQueLength(4)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqAggregDelivQueLengthAllQues(5)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqItemCompletedDelivPerSecond(6)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqItemsCompletedDeliveryTotal(7)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqItemsDeletedByAdminTotal(8)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqItemQuedForDelivExpireTotal(9)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqItemsQueuedForDeliveryTotal(10)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqItemsQuedForDelivPerSecond(11)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqItemsResubmittedTotal(12)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqLargestDeliveryQueueLength(13)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqMsgsCompletedDelivPerSecond(14)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqMsgsCompletedDelivTotal(15)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqMessagesQueuedForDelivery(16)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqMsgsQuedForDelivTotal(17)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqMsgsQuedForDelivPerSecond(18)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqMessagesSubmittedPerSecond(19)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqMessagesSubmittedTotal(20)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqPoisonQueueLength(21)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqRetryMailboxDelivQueLength(22)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqRetryNonSmtpDelivQueLength(23)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqRetryRemoteDelivQueLength(24)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqSubmissQueueItemExpireTotal(25)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqSubmissionQueueLength(26)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqUnreachableQueueLength(27)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqAggregateShadowQueueLength(28)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqCategorizerJobAvailability(29)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqMessagesCompletingCat(30)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqMsgsDeferredDueToLocalLoop(31)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqMsgsDeferredDuringCat(32)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ex2tqShadowQueueAutoDiscardsTtl(33)
In summary, as per queue monitoring:
Submission Queue length
· SNMP Walk .
· Submission Queue Length is the number of items in the submission queue.
Aggregate Queue length
· SNMP Walk
· Aggregate Delivery Queue Length (All Queues) is the number of items queued for delivery in all queues.
Items Queued for Delivery
· SNMP Walk
· Total number of items queued for delivery.
Messages Queued for Delivery
· SNMP Walk
· Messages Queued For Delivery is the number of messages currently queued in one or more queues.
It is important to realize that these are mailbox stats so it is impossible to give you explicit OIDs since they will be different, based on the number and names of the mailboxes. Trial and error MIB browsing is really the only way to do this.
| |
| +--psExchangeMailboxEntry(1) [psexmbIndex]
| |
| +-- r-n Integer32 psexmbIndex(1)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbDatabase(2)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbUseDatabaseRetentionDef(3)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbRetainDeletedItemsUntilBck(4)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbDeliverToMailboxAndForward(5)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbLitigationHoldEnabled(6)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbSingleItemRecoveryEnabled(7)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbRetentionHoldEnabled(8)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbEndDateForRetentionHold(9)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbStartDateForRetentionHold(10)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRetentionComment(11)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRetentionUrl(12)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbLitigationHoldDate(13)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbLitigationHoldOwner(14)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbManagedFolderMailboxPolicy(15)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRetentionPolicy(16)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbCalendarRepairDisabled(17)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbExchangeGuid(18)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbExchangeSecurityDescriptor(19)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbExchangeUserAccountControl(20)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbMessageTrackReadStatusEnbl(21)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbExternalOofOptions(22)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbForwardingAddress(23)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbForwardingSmtpAddress(24)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRetainDeletedItemsFor(25)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbIsMailboxEnabled(26)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbLanguages(27)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbOfflineAddressBook(28)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbProhibitSendQuota(29)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbProhibitSendReceiveQuota(30)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRecoverableItemsQuota(31)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRecoverableItemsWarnQuota(32)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbDowngradeHiPriorityMsgEnbl(33)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbProtocolSettings(34)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRecipientLimits(35)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbIsResource(36)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbIsLinked(37)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbIsShared(38)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbLinkedMasterAccount(39)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbResourceCapacity(40)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbResourceCustom(41)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbResourceType(42)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbSamAccountName(43)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbSCLDeleteThreshold(44)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbSCLDeleteEnabled(45)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbSCLRejectThreshold(46)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbSCLRejectEnabled(47)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbSCLQuarantineThreshold(48)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbSCLQuarantineEnabled(49)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbSCLJunkThreshold(50)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbSCLJunkEnabled(51)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbAntispamBypassEnabled(52)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbServerLegacyDN(53)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbServerName(54)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbUseDatabaseQuotaDefaults(55)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbIssueWarningQuota(56)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRulesQuota(57)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbOffice(58)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbUserPrincipalName(59)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbUMEnabled(60)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbMaxSafeSenders(61)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbMaxBlockedSenders(62)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbReconciliationId(63)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbWindowsLiveID(64)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbThrottlingPolicy(65)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRoleAssignmentPolicy(66)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbSharingPolicy(67)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRemoteAccountPolicy(68)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbMailboxPlan(69)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbArchiveDatabase(70)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbArchiveGuid(71)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbArchiveName(72)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbArchiveQuota(73)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbArchiveWarningQuota(74)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbArchiveDomain(75)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbArchiveStatus(76)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRemoteRecipientType(77)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbDisabledArchiveDatabase(78)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbDisabledArchiveGuid(79)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbQueryBaseDNRestrictionEnbl(80)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbMailboxMoveTargetMDB(81)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbMailboxMoveSourceMDB(82)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbMailboxMoveFlags(83)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbMailboxMoveRemoteHostName(84)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbMailboxMoveBatchName(85)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbMailboxMoveStatus(86)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbIsPersonToPersonTxtMsgEnbl(87)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbIsMachineToPersonTxtMsgEn(88)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbUserSMimeCertificate(89)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbUserCertificate(90)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbCalendarVerStoreDisabled(91)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbImmutableId(92)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbPersistedCapabilities(93)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbSKUAssigned(94)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbAuditEnabled(95)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbAuditLogAgeLimit(96)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbAuditAdmin(97)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbAuditDelegate(98)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbAuditOwner(99)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbWhenMailboxCreated(100)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbUsageLocation(101)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbExtensions(102)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbHasPicture(103)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbHasSpokenName(104)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbAcceptMessagesOnlyFrom(105)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbAcceptMsgOnlyFromDLMembers(106)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbAcceptMsgOnlyFromSndOrMbrs(107)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbAddressListMembership(108)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbAlias(109)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbArbitrationMailbox(110)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbBypassModFromSendersOrMbrs(111)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbOrganizationalUnit(112)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbCustomAttribute1(113)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbCustomAttribute10(114)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbCustomAttribute11(115)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbCustomAttribute12(116)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbCustomAttribute13(117)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbCustomAttribute14(118)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbCustomAttribute15(119)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbCustomAttribute2(120)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbCustomAttribute3(121)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbCustomAttribute4(122)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbCustomAttribute5(123)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbCustomAttribute6(124)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbCustomAttribute7(125)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbCustomAttribute8(126)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbCustomAttribute9(127)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbDisplayName(128)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbEmailAddresses(129)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbGrantSendOnBehalfTo(130)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbExternalDirectoryObjectId(131)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbHiddenFromAddrListsEnabled(132)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbLastExchangeChangedTime(133)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbLegacyExchangeDN(134)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbMaxSendSize(135)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbMaxReceiveSize(136)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbModeratedBy(137)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbModerationEnabled(138)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbPoliciesIncluded(139)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbPoliciesExcluded(140)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbEmailAddressPolicyEnabled(141)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbPrimarySmtpAddress(142)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRecipientType(143)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRecipientTypeDetails(144)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRejectMessagesFrom(145)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRejectMessagesFromDLMember(146)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbRejectMsgsFromSendersOrMbr(147)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbRequireSenderAuthEnabled(148)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbSimpleDisplayName(149)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbSendModerationNotif(150)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbUMDtmfMap(151)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbWindowsEmailAddress(152)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbMailTip(153)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbMailTipTranslations(154)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbPartnerObjectId(155)
| +-- r-n Enumeration psexmbIsValid(156)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbExchangeVersion(157)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbName(158)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbDistinguishedName(159)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbIdentity(160)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbGuid(161)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbObjectCategory(162)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbObjectClass(163)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbWhenChanged(164)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbWhenCreated(165)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbWhenChangedUTC(166)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbWhenCreatedUTC(167)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbOrganizationId(168)
| +-- r-n OctetString psexmbOriginatingServer(169)
+--psExchangeMailboxStatisticsEntry(1) [psexmsIndex]
+-- r-n Integer32 psexmsIndex(1)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsAssociatedItemCount(2)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsDeletedItemCount(3)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsDisconnectDate(4)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsDisconnectReason(5)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsDisplayName(6)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsItemCount(7)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsLastLoggedOnUserAccount(8)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsLastLogoffTime(9)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsLastLogonTime(10)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsLegacyDN(11)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsMailboxGuid(12)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsObjectClass(13)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsStorageLimitStatus(14)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsTotalDeletedItemSize(15)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsTotalItemSize(16)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsMailboxTableIdentifier(17)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsDatabase(18)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsServerName(19)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsDatabaseName(20)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsMoveHistory(21)
+-- r-n Enumeration psexmsIsQuarantined(22)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsIsArchiveMailbox(23)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsIdentity(24)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsMapiIdentity(25)
+-- r-n OctetString psexmsOriginatingServer(26)
+-- r-n Enumeration psexmsIsValid(27)