SNMP Informant Knowledge-base

Article: 2005-005
SNMP Informant
Using Microsoft's EXCTRLST.EXE to reactivate performance counters
Keywords:  missing performance counters, blank OIDs, unable to access statistics

Sometimes, you might find that you are unable to access performance counter information using SNMP Informant.   We have observed that in some cases, performance counter objects are not available to the Performance Counter applet, and if the applet cannot see the performance counter objects, then neither can SNMP Informant (Advanced or Standard).

To reactivate disabled counters, we recommend you use the EXCTRLST.EXE utility available from Microsoft at

This utility lets you select performance counters, and activate or deactivate them using a GUI interface.  We have at times seen where counters were disabled (for no apparent reason), and upon activation, the counters were again available to the Performance Monitor applet, and subsequently to SNMP Informant