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SNMP Informant Citrix - OID Tree Listing

Shows objects made available to SNMP Informant

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Performance objects derived from Citrix XenApp Server 5/Presentation Server 4/5

| |
| +--ctxCPUUtilizationMgmtUserEntry(1) [ctxcumuInstance]
| |
| +-- r-n InstanceName ctxcumuInstance(1)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxcumuCPUEntitlement(2)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxcumuCPUReservation(3)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxcumuCPUShares(4)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxcumuCPUUsage(5)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxcumuLongTermCPUUsage(6)
| |
| +--ctxDataLayerEntry(1) [ctxdlInstance]
| |
| +-- r-n InstanceName ctxdlInstance(1)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxdlCommitsPerSec(2)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxdlContextsPerSec(3)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxdlDeletesPerSec(4)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxdlInsertsPerSec(5)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxdlNumberOfContextsInThePool(6)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxdlNumOfCntxtRequestsWaiting(7)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxdlReadStreamsCreatedPerSec(8)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxdlStreamBytesReadPerSec(9)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxdlStreamBytesWrittenPerSec(10)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxdlStreamsCreatedPerSec(11)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxdlUpdatesPerSec(12)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxdlWriteStreamsCreatedPerSec(13)
| |
| +--ctxIMANetworkingEntry(1) [ctximanInstance]
| |
| +-- r-n InstanceName ctximanInstance(1)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctximanBytesReceivedPerSec(2)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctximanBytesSentPerSec(3)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctximanNetworkConnections(4)
| |
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxlAverageCheckInRspTimeMs(1)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxlAverageCheckOutRspTimeMs(2)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxlLastRecordCheckInRspTimeMs(3)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxlLastRecordCheckOutRspTimeMs(4)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxlServerConnectionFailure(5)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxlMaximumCheckInRspTimeMs(6)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxlMaximumCheckOutRspTimeMs(7)
| |
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsApplEnumerationsPerSec(1)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsApplResolutionTimeMs(2)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsApplResolutionFailedPerSec(3)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsApplResolutionsPerSec(4)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDataStoreConnectionFailure(5)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDataStoreBytesRead(6)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDataStoreBytesReadPerSec(7)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDataStoreBytesWritePerSec(8)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDataStoreReads(9)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDataStoreReadsPerSec(10)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDataStoreWritesPerSec(11)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDSGatewayUpdateCount(12)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDSGatewayUpdateBytesSent(13)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDSQueryCount(14)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDSQueryRequestBytesReceive(15)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDSQueryResponseBytesSent(16)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDSUpdateBytesReceived(17)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDSUpdatePacketsReceived(18)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDSUpdateResponseBytesSent(19)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDSBytesReadPerSec(20)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDSBytesWrittenPerSec(21)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDSReadsPerSec(22)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsDSWritesPerSec(23)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsFilteredApplEnumsPerSec(24)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsLCCacheBytesReadPerSec(25)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsLCCacheBytesWrittenPerSec(26)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsLCCacheReadsPerSec(27)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsLCCacheWritesPerSec(28)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsMaximumNumberOfXMLThreads(29)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsNumberOfXMLThreads(30)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsNumberOfBusyXMLThreads(31)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsResWorkItemQueueExecuteCnt(32)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsResWorkItemQueueReadyCount(33)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsWorkItemQueueExecuteCount(34)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsWorkItemQueuePendingCount(35)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsWorkItemQueueReadyCount(36)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsZoneElections(37)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxmpsZoneElectionsWon(38)
| |
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxsaaActiveRecordingCount(1)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxsaaReadSmartAuditorDriverSec(2)
| |
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxsasmActiveRecordingCount(1)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxsasmMessageBytesPerSec(2)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxsasmMessagesPerSec(3)
| |
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxdbdsHostedDesktopReleasesSec(1)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxdbdsHostedDesktopRequestsSec(2)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxdbdsHostedDesktopStateUpdSec(3)
| |
| +--ctxICASessionEntry(1) [ctxisInstance]
| |
| +-- r-n InstanceName ctxisInstance(1)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputAudioBandwidth(2)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputCOM1Bandwidth(3)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputCOM2Bandwidth(4)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputCOMBandwidth(5)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputClipboardBandwidt(6)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputControlChanBandwidth(7)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputDriveBandwidth(8)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputFontDataBandwidth(9)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputLPT1Bandwidth(10)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputLPT2Bandwidth(11)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputLicensingBandwidth(12)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputManagementBandwidth(13)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputPNBandwidth(14)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputPrinterBandwidth(15)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputSeamlessBandwidth(16)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputSessionBandwidth(17)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputSessionCompression(18)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputSessionLineSpeed(19)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputSpeedScreenDataChanBW(20)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputTextEchoBandwidth(21)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputThinWireBandwidth(22)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisInputVideoFrameBandwidth(23)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisLatencyLastRecorded(24)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisLatencySessionAverage(25)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisLatencySessionDeviation(26)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputAudioBandwidth(27)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputCOM1Bandwidth(28)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputCOM2Bandwidth(29)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputCOMBandwidth(30)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputClipboardBandwidth(31)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputControlChannBandwidth(32)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputDriveBandwidth(33)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputFontDataBandwidth(34)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputLPT1Bandwidth(35)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputLPT2Bandwidth(36)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputLicensingBandwidth(37)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputManagementBandwidth(38)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputPNBandwidth(39)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputPrinterBandwidth(40)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputSeamlessBandwidth(41)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputSessionBandwidth(42)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputSessionCompression(43)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputSessionLineSpeed(44)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputSpeedScreenDataChanBW(45)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputTextEchoBandwidth(46)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputThinWireBandwidth(47)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxisOutputVideoFrameBandwidth(48)
| |
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxstaSTABadDataRequestCount(1)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxstaSTABadRefreshRequestCount(2)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxstaSTABadTicketRequestCount(3)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxstaSTACountOfActiveTickets(4)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxstaSTAGoodDataRequestCount(5)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxstaSTAGoodRefreshRequestCount(6)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxstaSTAGoodTicketRequestCount(7)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxstaSTAPeakAllRequestRate(8)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxstaSTAPeakDataRequestRate(9)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxstaSTAPeakTicketRefreshRate(10)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxstaSTAPeakTicketRequestRate(11)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ctxstaSTATicketTimeoutCount(12)
+-- r-n OctetString siCitrixPerformanceVersion(999)