SNMP Informant AppServer - OID Tree Listing
Shows objects made available to SNMP Informant
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Performance objects derived from ForeFront Server 2010
| |
| +--forefrontTMGCache(1)
| | |
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcRtrvdRateDiskCacheKBPerSec(1)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcRtrvdRateMemCacheKBPerSec(2)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcDiskCacheAllocatedSpaceKB(3)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcDiskFailureRateFailPerSec(4)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcDiskWriteRateWritesPerSec(5)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcMaxURLsCached(6)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcMemCacheAllocatedSpaceKB(7)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcMemUsageRatioPercentPercent(8)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcTotalBytesRtrvdDiskCacheKB(9)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcTotalBytesRtrvdMemCacheKB(10)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcTotalDiskFailures(11)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcTotalURLsCached(12)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcTotalURLsRtrvdDiskCache(13)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcTotalURLsRtrvdMemCache(14)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcURLCommitRateURLPerSec(15)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcURLRtrvRateDskCacheURLPerSec(16)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcURLRtrvRateMemCacheURLPerSec(17)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgcURLsInCache(18)
| |
| +--forefrontTMGFirewallPacketEngine(2)
| | |
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfpeActiveConnections(1)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfpeAllowedPackets(2)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfpeAllowedPacketsPerSec(3)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfpeBackloggedPackets(4)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfpeBytes(5)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfpeBytesPerSec(6)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfpeConnectionsPerSec(7)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfpeDroppedPackets(8)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfpeDroppedPacketsPerSec(9)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfpeLogItemsEnqueuedPerSec(10)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfpePackets(11)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfpePacketsPerSec(12)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfpeTCPEstablishedConnections(13)
| |
| +--forefrontTMGFirewallService(3)
| | |
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsAcceptingTCPConnections(1)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsActiveSessions(2)
| | +--
r-n Gauge32 tmgfsActiveTCPConnections(3)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsActiveUDPConnections(4)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsAvailableUDPMappings(5)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsAvailableWorkerThreads(6)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsBytesReadPerSec(7)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsBytesWrittenPerSec(8)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsDNSCacheEntries(9)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsDNSCacheFlushes(10)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsDNSCacheHits(11)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsDNSCacheHitsPercent(12)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsDNSRetrievals(13)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsFailedDNSResolutions(14)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsKernelModeDataPumps(15)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsListeningTCPConnections(16)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsLogQueueSizeOnDisk(17)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsPendingDNSResolutions(18)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsPendingTCPConnections(19)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsSecureNATMappings(20)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsSuccessfulDNSResolutions(21)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsTCPTrnsfdKernelModeDataPump(22)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsTCPConnInboundCallToFinish(23)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsUDPTrnsfdKernelModeDataPump(24)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgfsWorkerThreads(25)
| |
| +--forefrontTMGWebProxy(4)
| | |
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpActiveWebSessions(1)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpArrayBytesRcvdPerSec(2)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpArrayBytesSentPerSec(3)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpArrayBytesTotalPerSec(4)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpAvgMillisecondsPerRequest(5)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpAverageRequestSpeed(6)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpRqstFromServerInRanges(7)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpSvdLastHourFromCacheInRange(8)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpServedLastHourInRanges(9)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpServedFromCacheInRanges(10)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpServedInRanges(11)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpRqstdSrvRngRqstsInRngRqsts(12)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpCacheHitPctForRangeRequests(13)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpCacheHitRatioLast10KRqstPct(15)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpClientBytesRcvdPerSec(16)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpClientBytesSentPerSec(17)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpClientBytesTotalPerSec(18)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpCmpCurCompressionRatio(19)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpCmpCurRatioRspnCompressed(20)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpCmpCurRatioRspnDecompressed(21)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpCmpRatioOfSizeReduction(22)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpCmpRspnCompressAccumRatio(23)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpCmpRspnDecompressAccumRatio(24)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpCmpTotalFailures(25)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpConnectErrors(26)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpConnectErrsPerTotalErrsPct(27)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpCurArrayFetchesAvgMsRequest(28)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpCurCacheFetchesAvgMsPerRqst(29)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpCurDirectFetchAvgMsPerRqst(30)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqst1stPri(31)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqst1stPriRatioTotal(32)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqst2ndPri(33)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqst2ndPriRatioTotal(34)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqst3rdPri(35)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqst3rdPriRatioTotal(36)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqst4thPri(37)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqst4thPriRatioTotal(38)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqst5thPri(39)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqst5thPriRatioTotal(40)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqstLowPriRatioTotal(41)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqstLowerPri(42)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqstNonPri(43)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqstNonPriRatioTotal(44)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqstPriRatioTotal(45)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRqstTotalPri(46)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspn1stPri(47)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspn1stPriRatioTotal(48)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspn2ndPri(49)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspn2ndPriRatioTotal(50)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspn3rdPri(51)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspn3rdPriRatioTotal(52)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspn4thPri(53)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspn4thPriRatioTotal(54)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspn5thPri(55)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspn5thPriRatioTotal(56)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspnLowPriRatioTotal(57)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspnLowerPri(58)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspnNonPri(59)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspnNonPriRatioTotal(60)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspnPriRatioTotal(61)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpDiffSrvRspnTotalPri(62)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpFTPRequests(63)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpFailingRqstPerTotalRqstPct(64)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpFailingRequestsPerSec(65)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpHTTPRequests(66)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpHTTPSSessions(67)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpIOErrToArrayMember(68)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpIOErrToAryMbrPerTotalErrPct(69)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpIOErrToClient(70)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpIOErrToClientPerTotalErrPct(71)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpIOErrToServer(72)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpIOErrToServerPerTotalErrPct(73)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpIncomingConnectionsPerSec(74)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspAvgInspectionDurMs(75)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspAvgProgPgStatusRqst(76)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspAvgTrklSzFastTrklBt(77)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspAvgTrklSzStdTrklBt(78)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspTlItemsTrklFastTrkl(79)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspTotalItmTrklStdTrkl(80)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspTotalItemInProgPage(81)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspAllocDiskSpaceBytes(82)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspAvgAccumDurationMs(83)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspAvgExtQuotaUsageTm(84)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspAvgTimeInQueueLoPri(86)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspAvgTimeInQueMedPri(87)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspDiskAccumulationPct(88)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspDiskErrors(89)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspDownloadTimeouts(90)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspExtendedQuotaExceed(91)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspExtendQuotaExcdDlt(92)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspExtendQuotaUnavail(93)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspExtendQuotaUnvlDlt(94)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspExtendQuotaUsagePct(95)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspInspectionsFailed(96)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspItemsBlockedCorrupt(97)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspItemsBlockedEncrypt(98)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspItemsBlockedInfect(99)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspItmBlkNestLvlExceed(100)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspItemBlockSizeExceed(101)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspItemBlockSuspicious(102)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspItemsBlockedTimeout(103)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspItemBlkUnknownEncod(104)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspItmBlkUnpckSzExceed(105)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspItemsCleaned(106)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspItemsHandled(107)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspItemsTrklFastTrkl(108)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspItemsTrklStdTrkl(109)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspItemsInProgressPage(110)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspPrtlInspItmFstTrkl(111)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspPrtlInspctItmStdTrk(112)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspPingTimeouts(113)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspQueueLengthHiPri(114)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspQueueLengthLoPri(115)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspQueueLengthMedPri(116)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspQueueSuspenCntLoPri(117)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspQueueSuspenCntMdPri(118)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspStreamingItems(119)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspTotalExcludedItem(120)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspTotalItemsHandled(121)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspTlPrtlInspctFstTrkl(122)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMlwrInspTlPrtlInspectSdTrkl(123)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMaximumUsers(124)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMemoryPoolForHTTPRqstsPct(125)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpMemoryPoolForSSLRequestsPct(126)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpOutgoingConnectionsPerSec(127)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpRequestsFromArrayMember(128)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpRqstFrmAryMbrPerTotalErrPct(129)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpRqstToArrayMember(130)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpRqstToAryMbrPerTotalErrPct(131)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpRqstKeepAliveToArrayMember(132)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpRqstKeepAlvAryMbrTlErroPct(133)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpRqstKeepAliveToClient(134)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpRqstKeepAlvClntPerTlErrPct(135)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpRqstKeepAliveToServer(136)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpRqstKeepAlvToSvrPerTlErrPct(137)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpRqstMultipleRanges(138)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpRqstPerSec(139)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpReverseBytesRcvdPerSec(140)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpReverseBytesSentPerSec(141)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpReverseBytesTotalPerSec(142)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpSNEWSSessions(143)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpSSLClientBytesRcvdPerSec(144)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpSSLClientBytesSentPerSec(145)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpSSLClientBytesTotalPerSec(146)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpSitesAllowed(147)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpSitesDenied(148)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpThreadPoolActiveSessions(149)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpThreadPoolFailures(150)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpThreadPoolSize(151)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpTotalArrayFetches(152)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpTotalCacheFetches(153)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpTotalPendingConnects(155)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpTotalRequests(156)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpTotalReverseFetches(157)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpTotalSSLSessions(158)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpTotalSuccessfulRequests(159)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpTotalUpstreamFetches(160)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpTotalUsers(161)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpUnknownSSLSessions(162)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpUpstreamBytesRcvdPerSec(163)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpUpstreamBytesSentPerSec(164)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgwpUpstreamBytesTotalPerSec(165)
| |
| +--forefrontTMGH323Filter(5)
| | |
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmg323ActiveH323Calls(1)
| | +-- r-n Gauge32 tmg323TotalH323Calls(2)
| |
| +--forefrontTMGSOCKSFilter(6)
| |
| +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgsfActiveConnections(1)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgsfActiveSessions(2)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgsfBytesReadPerSec(3)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgsfBytesWrittenPerSec(4)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgsfConnectingConnections(5)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgsfListeningConnections(6)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgsfPendingDNSResolutions(7)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 tmgsfSuccessfulDNSResolutions(8)
| |
| +--forefrontServerSecurityScanTable(1)
| |
| +--forefrontServerSecurityScanEntry(1) [ffesssInstance]
| |
| +-- r-n InstanceName ffesssInstance(1)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssAttachmentsCleaned(2)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssAttachmentsCleanedRate(3)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssAttachmentsDetected(4)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssAttachmentsDetectedRate(5)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssAttachmentsRemoved(6)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssAttachmentsRemovedRate(7)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssAttachmentsScanned(8)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssAttachmentsScannedRate(9)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssMessagesDetected(10)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssMessagesPurged(11)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssMessagesScanned(12)
| +-- r-n
Gauge32 ffesssMessagesTagged(13)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssTotalAttachmentsCleaned(14)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssTotalAttachmentsDetected(15)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssTotalAttachmentsRemoved(16)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssTotalAttachmentsScanned(17)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssTotalMessagesDetected(18)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssTotalMessagesPurged(19)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssTotalMessagesScanned(20)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 ffesssTotalMessagesTagged(21)
+-- r-n OctetString siForefrontVersion(999)